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  • Writer's picturezamshah8


The global sea-level is currently rising at an alarming ⅛ inch per year, and obviously, all of America will be completely covered in water soon. On top of that, 71 percent of Earth is already covered in water. We need a way to be able to stay in water for long periods of time if we are to prepare for the future. Wouldn’t it be nice to have something that would let you breathe underwater for as long as you like?

The product that will solve that problem is the Exolung. The Exolung is a breathing apparatus that is attached to your body, and it allows you to breathe underwater for as long as you want. The way that this invention works is that there is an air tank that is floating on the surface, and it is connected by a tube to a breathing apparatus on your body which is connected to your legs. When you kick your legs, it pumps air into the air tank, so you can constantly resupply your air supply. You can stay submerged completely underwater, and all you have to do is keep kicking your legs, and you can constantly breathe.

Essentially, imagine this product as an extended snorkeling tube. The lowest that this product can go below sea level is 7 meters which is about 23 feet. You can go pretty deep with this invention. This could be pretty useful if you want to be able to explore a coral reef without having to worry about going up to get more air. It could also be useful if you are in a busy pool, but the pool is really deep so you could just go to the bottom of the pool and swim there.

However, there are a lot of problems that I have with this invention. First, the air tank and the breathing apparatus are all connected by one tube, so if you are in the ocean, some fish could perhaps just come up and disconnect the tube. It might also get tangled with something in the water. On top of that, this whole invention could easily be replaced by an extra extra long snorkeling tube, since they both do the same thing. It’s not worth paying 200 dollars to go a little bit deeper in the water rather than just using a regular snorkeling tube and just swimming down to go where the Exolung could take you.

Personally, I would not recommend this product because there are not a lot of places that you could really use it unless you live by the ocean. You don't also need to be going that deep into the water unless you are looking for something like some plants at the bottom of a lake. On top of that, in the event that you might need to use it in a flood, you probably wouldn’t get to it in time, since there is a whole process to set up the Exolung and get it ready for use that it won’t ever come in handy when you need it.

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