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  • Writer's picturezamshah8

Sleep Zone

Whenever you travel somewhere, you will have to go to sleep eventually. In order to do that, you need to find a place to stay. Sometimes you can just stay at a place of someone who you know, but most other times, you have to book a place to stay. Most of the time you don’t really care about where you stay, but you still have to pay a lot of money just to have somewhere to sleep.

However, what if there was a way to lower this struggle that a lot of people face? This brings me to the main focus of this blog. Sleeping Zones. The premise of this idea is that a customer will pay a certain amount of money per night, and they will get their very own sleeping zone. The sleeping zone itself functions exactly as it sounds. It is a small, personal enclosed area that solely contains a bed for you to sleep on.

There is no personal kitchen or bathroom as a typical hotel might have, but it is built like that on purpose in order to make it cheaper for customers. Instead, for each level of sleeping zones, you can add communal public bathrooms that the inhabitants of the sleeping pods can use instead of building personal bathrooms for every sleeping zone.

The cool thing about this idea is that you can build a bunch of different sleeping zones very close together as they are pretty small and compact. You do not need to spend so much time on making the inside of the sleeping zones fancy because they are not meant for that. So, you can use this extra money that you saved from not making fancy interiors, and you can spend it towards adding different amenities like washing machines, showers, and even a gym.

A complaint to this idea might be that the sleeping zones is that they will not be comfortable since it is in such a small space, however, that is not the main purpose of the sleeping zones. The main purpose of this idea is to just be a place to sleep, and it would do a good job as it would have enough space to sleep comfortably. Another concern would be about the cleanliness of the sleeping zone, but it is quite the opposite. These sleeping zones would be very easy to clean, since it is just a small enclosed area with a bed. You can easily hire some maids to clean, since there would not be that much of a mess.

I got this idea from a post I saw about sleeping pods that were located in or around airports in Japan. However, the main purpose of their sleeping pods was targeted at people who were traveling and needed somewhere to sleep. However, you don’t necessarily need to be traveling to find a need for this idea. In most urban cities, the cost of living has slowly become more and more expensive, so it has become much harder for the average person to be able to stay in a big city. Those people could choose to sleep in a sleeping zone instead of going back out of the cities and wasting gas and money to leave. The sleeping zone would appeal to a lot of people, which will make it really profitable, and thus, it is an easy revenue of money.

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